Epic Mountain Express
Travel Blog

Spring Storm Update - Operations Resume as Normal
Posted On: 03/23/2016Denver International Airport has made the decision to close the airport as of 12:22pm today, 3.23.2016, until further notice. CME will suspend all pickups from the resorts to DIA after 1:30 pm today due to this closure. When Pena Blvd and other West Bound I-70 traffic opens, CME will transport guests who are currently at DIA to the Mountains, pending passable roads. For guests booked for pickup today after 1:30 pm, CME can re-book your shuttle for tomorrow or receive a refund.

CME Wins Best of Colorado 2016 Award
Posted On: 03/16/2016Congratulations to Colorado Mountain Express’ Group Sales Team on winning the Best of Colorado 2016 award again for “Best Transportation.” The award was presented on March 15th in Englewood, Colorado at the UCHealth Training Center, home of the Denver Broncos. The 10th annual Best of Colorado Meetings + Events magazine awards are a collection of awards designed to honor the best in the Colorado meetings and events industry. These awards are determined by readers, not editorial staff.

Posted On: 03/04/2016On Tuesday, Mar. 8 CDOT has announced there will be a daytime closure to all traffic from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. through Glenwood Canyon. This will impact Colorado Mountain Express’ schedule between Aspen/Snowmass and the airport.

Posted On: 03/02/2016Colorado Department of Transportation has re-opened Glenwood Canyon for travel. After multiple rock slides closed the road, and then bad weather delayed repair work, the road is now open 24 hours/ day.

Glenwood Canyon Update
Posted On: 02/25/2016Latest information from Colorado Department of Transportation on Glenwood Canyon and how CME’s operations are impacted can be found in this post.

Glenwood Canyon Opens 4pm - 9am
Posted On: 02/23/2016Glenwood Canyon has been reopened by Colorado Department of Transportation on an extremely limited basis. The current plan implemented by CDOT is to open one lane of traffic from 4 PM to 9 AM, with a pilot car guiding cars in one direction at a time.

Glenwood Canyon Closure - Update #3
Posted On: 02/19/2016Both lanes of I-70 through Glenwood Canyon will likely remain closed through the weekend. The most up to date information can be found at CoTrip.org

Update from CDOT on Glenwood Canyon
Posted On: 02/18/2016Per CDOT, I-70 is likely to remain closed at least until Saturday, 2/20, as inclement weather has created delays in crews’ progress bringing additional rocks down onto the highway and restoring safety. Colorado Mountain Express continues to monitor the situation with CDOT and will resume service between DIA and Aspen/Snowmass when the road has been deemed safe for travel.

I-70 through Glenwood Canyon is Closed Due to RockSlides
Posted On: 02/17/2016During the Canyon closure period, CME will be taking requests from Aspen/Snowmass to/from Grand Junction airport on both our Charter and Premier services. We are accommodating a few reservations to Grand Junction and are planning to be ready for Thursday afternoon shuttles, with anticipation of Glenwood Canyon being reopened by CDOT.

UllrFest in Breckenridge
Posted On: 01/07/2016The 53rd Annual Ullr Fest happens in Breckenridge January 13-16, 2016.Celebrate winter and snow with a bunch of events including a ski race, skating and polar ice plunges!
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